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ORINOX participates in the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) Asia 2018


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20th-23rd March 2018

This event, gathering all ASEAN Oil & Gas stakeholders, reviews new scientific advances, technical knowledge, latest performances, as well as current projects.

 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20th-23rd March 2018

This event, gathering all ASEAN Oil & Gas stakeholders, reviews new scientific advances, technical knowledge, latest performances, as well as current projects.


18otca visit


The Owner Operators confirm a long-considered trend of their medium-term strategy concerning the transformation of engineering, procurement, construction, operations and maintenance over the life of the structures in order to get:

Here are the 5 great lessons learned from the last edition:

1. Break the silos to learn from each other;

2. “A bigger pool of information benefits everyone

The information of some can enable new applications and participate in collective intelligence, in more targeted investments for projects, a better understanding of the environment and a reduction of risks, just as financial, environmental or human.

3. We all need economies of scale and maximize value wherever possible.

4. The success of everyone will contribute to the success of the Oil&Gas sector.

5. No one should stay on the sidelines of the digital revolution.

Connectivity, robotics, big data … all these technologies are rapidly changing the way we work. The tourism, transportation, housing and media industries have undergone deep transformations in just a few years which the Oil & Gas industry must also be able to benefit from.


This opening strategy is fully aligned with ORINOX’s strategy of offering its digitalization services to industrials.

otc asia 2018 show updates brochure 4

How can you break silos within an organization if the information is difficult to access or badly identified?

How can you share information with other players in the same industrial project without managing access rights and validation of information, as well as versions?

How can you bring out a collective intelligence if the actors do not speak the same language and can not interpret the information of their partners?


Deeply engaged in the digital transformation by the information system of any industrial project, contact ORINOX at 


 Comics OTC ASIA 2018



francois martinetAuthor: François MARTINET

Position: Business Developper engineer ORINOX

Mail: martinet.franç

Linkedin: François Martinet