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Orinox Tests AVEVA Net


Châteaubriant, November 6 2014

Two AVEVA representatives, Aurelie Cartier and Etienne Ledoux, conducted a presentation of AVEVA Net tools ORINOX…

min AVEVA NET Gateways Diagram RGBAVEVA NET is a Project Information Hub, a database for operators to manage each element of a digital asset. With a web interface, customers deploying AVEVA Net will be able to view and browse through documents in any format to view facility data. AVEVA Net even creates associations between documents, to unite all information related to each element.

AVEVA Net Gateways

AVEVA Net begins by importing source tools: Word or Excel documents, PDFs, and even AVEVA PDMS or AVEVA DIAGRAMS files. AVEVA Net Gateways is used to link all sources of information for each company. Users may access any type of engineering, design, project, or management data, without the need for specialized user training. AVEVA Net Gateways is used to classify and identify properties, view documents, and create links between them.

AVEVA NET Portal laser scan point cloud

AVEVA Net Workhub et Dashboard

The next step is AVEVA Net Workhub and Dashboard, which is used to publish data elements and make them visible by web browser. The documents and files (regardless of their origin and type) are integrated to visualize and validate data, engage the 3D model, manage engineering lists, enter datasheets, and add laser readings. AVEVA Net Workhub and Dashboard are tools to collaborate in a securely and efficiently without needing to open the original applications.




AVEVA AVEVA Net Workhub & Dashboard